Monday, July 13, 2009

Take over payments recent loan modification 2200 (vallejo / benicia) $5000 4bd

Lost job must sell home. Recent loan modification 5% est fixed rate Payment due August 1st and I wont be able to pay it... Need to give this house to someone who can afford it. The first is about 550k and 2200 per month. Tax impounds are about 500 +- and there is a 2nd I am working on a modification for in the amount of about 99k or $100 per month. If you can afford the payments this is a very nice house and I am so sad to let it go. But I have been unemployed 3 weeks and not sure when I will be back to work. I am upside down on the house but its got a great yard and I can help someone just take over payments that are higher than rent but no qualifying.

Someone who has lost a house and had credit issues is probably the perfect buyer for this house.

Feel free to drive by but don;t discuss my affairs with neighbors or roomates.


seller is a licensed realtor.

Must have deal in place by August 15, 2009 holding deposit is the first payment...$2800 first + taxes + 100 second.

Please call frontier title and order a property profile for more information.

4 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2000 sq ft est, granite in bath, hot tub, view, beautiful inside.

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